There are three main elements to our club competitions:
  1. Bi-Monthly
  2. Theme
  3. Annual

In General:
  • The following abbreviations are used throughout: CP = Colour Print, MP = Monochrome Print, PDI = Projected Digital Image
  • No single image may be entered into more than one of these categories.
  • Images must not have been entered in any previous BPC competition except for the ANNUAL competition.
  • Prints for all competitions should be brought on the evening of the relevant meeting.

1. Bi-Monthly Competitions (on any subject)

  • This competition consists of 2 legs, spaced about 2 months apart. Each leg divided into 2 sections, namely: Prints and PDIs.
  • Although each section in each leg will produce a winner, the trophies will be awarded to the persons scoring the highest AGGREGATE score over the 2 legs in each section.
  • ENTRY: Max 3 images can be entered into each section of each leg. The images can all be colour, all mono, or any mixture.

2. Theme Competition

For the 2024/2025 season the theme is 'ARCHITECTURE'.
  • Please note, all images in this section must have been taken after the last AGM, i.e. nominally April 17th 2023.
  • One Leg only, in two sections: Prints and PDIs.
  • ENTRY: Max 3 images can be entered into each section. The images can all be colour, all mono, or any mixture.

3. Annual Competition

  • Here you enter your best images from the previous Bi-Monthly and Theme Competitions.
  • One Leg only, but in 4 sections, namely: Mono Print, Mono PDI, Colour Print and Colour PDI
  • ENTRY: No more than 2 images may be entered in each of the 4 sections..

This season there will be three options in the Annual Competition:
  • Re-submit your earlier Prints or PDIs unaltered.
  • Submit edited (tweeked) versions of one or more of your original images in the light of judge's comments in earlier rounds. (We will allow pictures to be entered under a changed title).
  • Submit a MAXIMUM of 3 wildcard entries (across both Prints and PDIs). This would be images taken since April 15th 2024, but not previously entered in earlier rounds. BUT PLEASE NOTE, you may only enter ONE wildcard in a particular section, so for instance only one of your two entries in say the mono PDI section can be a wildcard. ALSO NOTE if you enter an image into a different category from its original category, that image counts as a wildcard, eg re-entering a picture as mono when it was originally colour, or entering an image as a PRINT when it was originally a PDI.

Preparing Your Prints:

  • The title and author's name must be shown on the back of each print, which should be no less than A4 size, and not larger than 50 x 40cm, preferably mounted.
  • When entering print titles for any of the competitions, it would be appreciated if you could also submit digital copies (prepared as for PDIs - see below) so that we can include them on the website.

Preparing Your Digital Images

  • Each Digital Image must be in JPEG format, and each must bear the title and author's name. Images are emailed to the competition secretary when prompted.
  • Each Digital Image need not be resized, although huge files will not email well - don't exceed 10MP in any one email.
  • Experienced members will be very happy to assist if you are not sure.

Entering Your Images

  • Several days before a competition you will receive an email inviting you to enter your titles, both for your prints and for your PDIs. You will then attach your PDIs (and digital copies of your prints if possible) and send your entry to DO NOT exceed a total of 10MP in any one email.
  • The reply must be sent no later than the Thursday prior to the competition night.
  • You will bring your actual prints along on the competition night.
  • Full instructions are given in the email. It is essential that you follow them exactly, otherwise your entry may be invalid.


BI-Monthly Competition:

  • CHAIRMAN'S TROPHY for the highest aggregate across BOTH legs in the PRINT section
  • MARCHANT BROOKS TROPHY for the highest aggregate across BOTH legs in the PDI section

Theme Competition:

  • KUTRITE TROPHY for the best THEMED Print

Annual Competition:

  • WRIGHT TROPHY for the best MONO PDI
  • PEAK TROPHY for the best COLOUR PDI

Points Competition

This award goes to the entrant with the highest total marks across the whole season.

Committee's Award

This award goes to the member showing the most promise, or having offered the most valuable service to the Club over the season.